Marcy Rachamim Jackson, MA, CPP, CFD the lead consultant for OLIVEZ, is a decorated education leader with nearly 30 years of education experience. She has led innovative education and industry partnerships, programs, and initiatives across workforce development, higher education, secondary education, special education, online learning, business, nonprofit, prison, and faith settings. 

Implicit in her Hebrew name “Rachamim”, meaning compassion, Mrs. Jackson applies compassionate listening, critical humility, genuine curiosity, and fearless engagement for clients and learners of all ages and stages. Mrs. Jackson is a Special Education Advocate and serves as an expert witness for students ages 3 to 21 with disabilities, gifts, delays, and special needs to receive appropriate identification and education services.  She speaks on work-life balance, parenting, equity, her testimonies of healing miracles, strategies for successful advocacy, and transformative solutions for equity and justice in special education.

Mrs. Jackson has innovated dozens of frameworks and owns copyrights to her publishings.  She is the author of Educational Leadership for Parents© (2012); for parents striving to navigate their child’s education; P.A.R.E.N.T.S. Life Skills, Literacy & Leadership Framework for Social Change© (2015) for new, returning, and reentry parents; and Pour the Water: Transformative Solutions for Equity & Justice in Special Education (2024), which addresses frameworks for antiracist practice and policy for parents, physicians, providers, policymakers, and related professionals.  She innovated the first in the nation Developmental Driver Education (2007), for Montgomery College in Maryland, and is the Founding Coordinator for SEEUS: Special Education Excellence for Underserved Students (2020), an equitable advocacy initiative with Weinfeld Education Group through International Partners for Black Students with Special Needs (BSSN).

Outstanding Woman of the Year, Towson University, 1993-94

Mrs. Jackson has an MA in Education Leadership and BA in International Relations, with certifications in Program Planning (CPP), Faculty Development (CFD), Special Needs Advocacy, Facilitative Leadership for Social Change, Diversity Equity & Inclusion, Nonprofit Leadership, Healthy Beginnings, Montessori Teacher Studies, Quality Matters, and more. Among many honors, in 1993, she was named Outstanding Woman of the Year from Towson University.

Thousands of colleagues, professionals, parents, and students have benefited from her partnerships, services, and lived experiences.

interview with Marcy Jackson

"Marcy Jackson challenges herself and partners to maximize potential, encouraging creativity and innovation. She listens, leads, and serves the process, and the people who devise, produce, and operate initiatives and traditions for profit and progress."
VeTalle Fusilier
Imagineer & Design Strategist

First 20 mins of my hour long TU Oral History interview. Full Interview